Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Here it comes, here I go...

I am sorry for the silence. There has been so much I could say in the past couple days that I somehow didn't manage to post a thing. Words can't really describe everything going on in my warped little mind right now.

Thank you for a beautiful summer, I set out hoping to spend quality time with the people I love and I am so grateful to be able to say I think I really accomplished that. It seems like forever ago that I left my job but really, I had important business to take care of this summer! Hopefully in the next couple of days I can blog a little about what I've been up, visiting family and prepping for expat life. I will be continuing this blog and considering how much more I write while traveling the content should at least increase in quantity, and hopefully also quality. Please keep in touch, please comment and let me know what you're up to.

Now it's time to drag my sorry behind out of bed, I've only been here for about four hours. I found it hard to feel like sleeping much last night but now I'm hurting. Hopefully it will help me sleep on the plane. I've got to repack my large clothing filled suitcase once again, I managed to move some pieces to my smaller "stuff suitcase" that will hopefully make it not such a tight fit. I'm surprised I didn't have nightmares about my hard-shell suitcase swinging open during travel. I also have a very few things left to do here with the house... things that really I suppose could be done by my family who are staying in my house just a few days from now. But I'll see what I can do.

I'm so excited to see my Classy Fellow again. The past two and a half weeks have flown by, and I don't even miss him that much thanks to the wonders of Skype. But it will be great to see him in person. Last night he said to me, "M, come HOME!"

So here I go... into the adventure, into who-knows-what... I'm ready to jump.


jess said...

Bon voyage!!! I'm excited for you. And all this time I've been wondering what "CF" stood fr... kept forgetting to ask you. ;0)

Global Librarian said...

Welcome to Zurich!

Alice said...


Eileen said...

spread your wings!

and have an amazing time. Looking forward to your posts from on the road!

space-monkey said...

I'm thrilled for you on the eve of your next adventure. Yipeee!